
The Dragon's Hoard Shoppe

Created by Pinfeathers Pin Shoppe

Missed the campaign? Here's your chance to snag a dragon or three! Get them here on the pre-order store before their price goes up. (after shipping is completed)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Survey Status!
4 months ago – Wed, May 15, 2024 at 09:51:31 AM

Apologies, I've been battling a nasty cold stacked with 3 also sick kids x.x
Wash your hands, folks!

We're at 83% survey completion! Whoooo!!!

If you haven't completed your survey yet, please do so asap so we can get the counts in and pins ordered!

Just for funsies, in case you were curious about the top 3 favorite dragons:

Abyssal takes the top spot at 60 orders and counting!
Originally, Foxglove Fae took 2nd place, but were quickly overshadowed by the Coral Reef and Baby dragons.

All of these were so fun to make, maybe some day I'd make more color variants =)

Link here if you'd want to preorder anything else!

That's all for now!

4 months ago – Thu, May 09, 2024 at 11:02:07 PM


If you were one of the recipients, please fill out the survey and send any inquiries you may have if something isn't working. If there are no bugs with the surveys, then the rest get sent out! (If there are, then I'll fix then send out!)

After surveys are sent out, I'll have it locked down after a week or two (depending on rate of completion) I want to get the final pin count asap so I can get that order in!

**if you address changes after surveys are locked down, you can always message me and I'll take note =)

Also, pre-order store is open! If you or a friend missed out on your chance to back this campaign, here is another chance to get your dragon fix!


I have overestimated my power! >_>
5 months ago – Sun, May 05, 2024 at 09:51:27 PM

(And happy late Star Wars day...)

After getting back my review, I was quite a bit overwhelmed on all the little details that needed refining. I am not quite used to Backerkit's extensive toolset, and while I still think it's awesome, it took a little longer than I thought to get through all of the fixes. I did submit all the proposed changes and am waiting for the green light, but I will not have surveys or the store ready by the 6th =(

Backerkit is very quick with responses, so I'm hoping to get stuff rolling later this week! 

That't it for now!

Surveys and Pre-order Store
5 months ago – Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 05:33:25 PM

Hey everyone! I wanna say I got through the back-end setup and am awaiting review. In the meantime, (assuming one doesn't need to happen before the other) I've decided that surveys and the pre-order store will happen on Monday May 6th!

After my review goes through, a smoke test will go out to see if the surveys work (and make sense). Because this is all new, I'm asking a lot of repetitive questions, so bear with me =)

Also, I'm still trying to figure out how to sort backers by pledge time so the ones that got the early bird incentive can be asked about their choice of sticker

In the meantime, please check your payment info if your pledge hasn't cleared =o

That's it for now!

5 months ago – Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 10:17:00 PM

I want to give a huge thank you to all my backers!! This has been our best campaign yet!! Thank you everyone, new and returning for your love and support and I look forward to an even bigger hoard next time!

Here's whats going to happen next:

In the next 2 weeks, you will all be getting your surveys to choose the dragon frens you will take home with you. Once all the funds have been processed, its ordering time!!!! Due to the sheer amount of dragons that were unlocked, lead time on production may take a while.

Since I am super new at Backerkit and it's lovely survey system, I will be asking everyone about the add-on they did or didn't choose (if you didn't have one, that's the first option).

Missed the campaign? No worries! Hopefully around the same time as surveys (exact date TBA) I will open the Pre-order store! Prices will still remain discounted till the shop closes. Spread the word for anyone who may have wanted one but couldn't!

Also, join my discord!  :3